10 Fitness Tips Beginners Must Know


Did you decide to work out every day from now on?

Good decision!

I'm glad you took this decision.
It would definitely change your life in a completely different way.

Here is a list of 10 tips you must consider knowing that could definitely guide you in your fitness journey.

Make Fitness a Habit

You see, whatever you may do, creating a ritual for it is very important. Working out once or twice is definitely great, but you won’t see any positive changes in your body and your mind unless you make working out out a priority and a habit.

Building habits, over time, takes time but once you’ve built the habit of working out consistently, you’ll observe that missing them is irritating. A popular method to build a habit is called 21/90 rule.

It takes 21 days to develop a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle.

This means you’ve to work out for 21 days consistently after which you will definitely miss working out because it’d be a habit until then within your daily schedule.

Give yourself an ample amount of time to stick to your habit and be consistent. Never skip a workout session, unless there’s an important task needed to be done urgently.

To know more tricks to develop a fitness habit, click here.

Include Cardio

man jogging while listening using black earphones during day time
Source: Unsplash

Goes without saying, including cardio in your workout routine is a must. Since there are many myths revolving nowadays regarding cardio, you’d definitely come across these at some point of your fitness journey.

Cardio increases heart rate. Doing cardio makes our heart muscles stronger and stronger muscles make an efficient and healthy body. Some amazing benefits of cardio include:
  1. It helps in weight loss as it burns calories at a fast pace.
  2. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
  3. Reduces stress and Depression.
  4. Helps in better sleep.
  5. Makes you more proactive.
So, consider doing cardio 2 times per week consistently to make the most out of it.

American Heart Association recommends that doing 30 minutes of cardio for at least 5 days per week is a great way to improve overall cardiovascular health.

Talking about what to do, check this article to know about various cardio exercises you can do from the comfort of your home.

Say 'NO' to Ego Lifting

Novices often learn by watching. If you copy someone doing an improper lift, it simply means that you’re not doing it right, either. Most often, incorrect form comes from trying to lift too much. This is termed as ego lifting.

Ego lifting leads to more momentum rather than contraction to lift the weights. Ego lifting is the root cause of injury that happens during training. 

Your lifts should be focused and controlled. You should control your reps, weights should not control you.  Incorrect form means bad results. The more you contract each muscle correctly, the more your muscles will develop.

You should always focus on quality reps, not how many reps you’re performing. To know more about how to perform each lift correctly, check out Bodybuilding.com.

Focus on Compound Exercises

Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or increase fitness, you must include compound exercises in your fitness regime.

Compound exercises are those exercises that involve multiple muscle groups and joints at the same time. To get optimum results, always start your workout routine with compound lifts like squats, deadlift, bench press, military press, pushups, pullups, rows, etc.

A study by the Asian Journal of Sports Medicine found that the effects on muscle strength and hypertrophy increases when multi-jointed resistance exercises are performed rather than single-jointed exercises.

Compound exercises recruit multiple muscle groups to help you gain more strength and muscle mass while also burning more calories simultaneously. They help you develop a better mind-muscle connection, balance your muscles and at the same time strengthen your core.

Hey, despite the numerous benefits of compound exercises, don’t forget to perform isolation exercises. They help in targeting specific weak muscle groups. In fact, always perform compound exercises and isolation exercised in unison for better resistance training. 

Eat Clean

80% of how we look is based on what we eat on a daily basis. Eating clean is an important part of your fitness journey.

Most people think maintaining a diet is costly whereas some get indulged in crazy diet plans. If you eat dirty, chances are, you will be unhealthy in the long term. 

To get started, you can first get rid of processed shit that you’re consuming on a daily basis. To know what foods to avoid at all cost, check out this article.

Proper nutrition is very important for building muscles, losing weight and recovery. You can still enjoy good food but make smart decisions. Don’t just eat for the sake of its taste, eat food which has some nutritional values. 

What you eat in private eventually is what you wear in public. Eat clean, look Lean.

P.S. Even if you’re not exercising (due to any reason whatsoever), eat healthy food and you’ll still see results.

Listen to your body

Hey, don’t get too excited. Many beginners tend to make a silly mistake of working out every single day for the sake of building muscles at a faster pace. 

Studies have demonstrated that recovery is an essential ingredient in training and is essential for optimum performance and improvement. 

One should always listen to their body. If, someday, you feel extremely tired then take rest that day to recover. Do not exercise that day as training on that particular day could hamper your progress and your body would be more vulnerable to injuries.

That’s why rest days are very important. When your body gets to rest, that’s when gains are made.  To know about various benefits of rest days, click here.

Create a Workout Routine

Nowadays, people find it difficult to stick to an exercise routine. So, they tend to change their routine most often.

If you don’t have a plan before starting your training, you tend to waste a lot of time thinking about what to do next due to which you do wrong exercises and tend to either overtrain or uncertain.

But, if you have a proper workout routine, then you get confidence before starting your training. Having a routine guide you to perform the right exercises so that you’re most likely to see the results you desire.

To know more about the importance of workout routine and why you should stick to a particular one, check out this article.

You need to be disciplined, diligent and organised in order to achieve results from a workout routine. 

Set Realistic Goals

This is perhaps the most important tip you must know before starting your fitness journey. Most of us feel lazy and doesn’t get the motivation to stick to our habits when we’ve no real goals to achieve.

You will not become an exercise buff overnight. Setting unrealistic expectations would lead you to frustration and failure. A better approach could be to set long-term goals and then break them into monthly targets. Short term goals will help us make physical activity a regular part of your routine.

Remember, it didn’t take you a few months to get the physique you’re currently in, so please don’t expect for a quick transformation. That’s never gonna happen.

A study by the National Institute of Aging shows that it is crucial to set long term fitness goals and break them down into smaller realistic chunks to get results at a faster pace.

Plan ahead for each day. If you’re not getting results, you didn’t plan accordingly. Build a no excuse attitude and get it done.

Always Ask

As a beginner, you’ll likely to have tons of queries in your mind. There’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t be afraid to ask people around you for tips and advice. 

Failing to ask could lead to improperly lift, develop bad habits, and you could have a hard time struggling to see results. Please don’t feel shy to speak up or ask.

Asking questions could help you avoid fatal injuries. Want to know reasons why should always ask for tips, consider checking out gym ventures for more insights.

Reward your efforts

When you achieve your short-term goals, reward yourself with something that is meaningful and enjoyable. It reflects your discipline, perseverance, commitment to improving your health.

Avoid rewards that you may regret later, such as binge drinking if your goal is to lose weight and build muscle. 

The Bottom Line

Starting a new workout routine can be challenging. However, if you've goals it could help you maintain a fitness program in the long term.

The aim should be always to start slow, build up your training level and give your body an ample amount of rest to prevent injuries.

Keeping track of your progress via a journal or fitness communities could help you stay motivated and achieve your goals.

P.S. Don't forget to eat a healthy diet and hydrate regularly. 

There are a few tips you should know beforehand so that it'd be easy for you to get started. If you want to know which type of exercise you should pick depending upon how much time you have to exercise, click here.

I wish you good luck on your fitness journey.

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  1. MD Athar Farooque21 April 2020 at 00:38

    You are an inspiration, gorgeous.
    I appreciate your work.��

    1. Thanks Athar. Just helping out people in need bro. That's kinda my purpose I feel!

      Thanks for the compliment. I'd be glad if this post helps you.


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